Professional cross-border e-commerce warehousing logistics solution provider.
Miss Lola: 86-22-25291226 繁體中文

After sales

Bonded maintenance

Imported and exported goods: Provide repair services for imported and exported goods to ensure that the goods are effectively maintained in a bonded state.
Ensure product quality: Ensure the quality and performance of the product are maintained through bonded repair services.

After-sales maintenance outsourcing services

Outsourced after-sales maintenance: Outsource after-sales maintenance services to professional maintenance service providers to improve efficiency and professionalism.
Increased efficiency: Outsourcing services allows companies to focus on their core business while ensuring customers receive high-quality repair services.


Aftermarket services-inventory and tail goods processing

Manage inventory: Manage the inventory of parts and spare parts required for after-sales service to ensure timely availability.
Disposal of tail goods: Deal with discarded, unsaleable or overstocked products and optimize inventory operations.